
Understanding Spring Boot Security configuration

Posted on Sep 9, 2018

Spring boot came with many useful features and for most of the usual use cases we have all implementation already provided by Spring its just a matter of configuring it that suite our needs. One of the feature is spring security. I would assume that you have basic understanding of how Servlet Containers work. We will start with creating the sample application from Spring Initializr. Make sure you select Web and Security under “Search for dependencies” field. Once you download the zip file you will have standalone spring-boot application ready. You can simply run it using maven with command mvn spring-boot:run

You would notice that the application does not came with any web.xml file which was the main file that was used for configuring the DispatcherServlet used by Spring, this is because new Servlet API provides interface ServletContainerInitializer. Any class that implements this interface can configure the all the Servlet configuration on the fly, this allows Spring to hook up the new Filters and Servlet to be used by application on the fly. This feature allows configuration driven filter proxy to be used for authorization and authentication. We will see useful classes and intefaces defined by Spring that makes authentication and authorization.

Any configuration for spring-security starts with extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, this abstract class provides convenient methods for configuring spring security configuration using HTTPSecurity object. We will see how to use HTTPSecurity to configure authentication and authorization for our application below

Restricting the HTTPSecurity to only specific urls

Consider the case that part of the web application urls are publicly accessible and part needs any special access. To achive this purpose HTTPSecurity provides methods as mentioned below

1. requestMatcher : To enable HTTPSecurity for specific url and specific http method

If you want to restrict HTTPSSecurity only for specific url pattern then we have to use requestMatcher.

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        http.requestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/restricted/**",HttpMethod.POST.toString())).authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated();

Above code will authorize any POST requested that is authenticated matching the pattern /restricted/**

2. antMatcher : To enable HTTPSecurity for specific url pattern irrespective of specific http method

If we dont need to restrict any specific HTTP method then we can make use of antMatcher as below

3. requestMatchers : To enable HTTPSecurity for multiple url pattern for multiple http method

Above configuration will enable HTTPSecurity for any GET request with url patterns “/restricgted/get/” and “/restricgted2/get/” and any POST method with patterns “/restricgted/post/” and “/restricgted2/post/

All above cases will trigger HTTPSecurity for specific matchers, please note that authorizeRequests() method used above returns the HTTPsecurity object itself so its possible to skip requestMatchers or antMatcher configuration and streight away call authorizeRequests which will by default disable any filtering and enable HTTPSecurity for all the urls instead of filtered above.

Lets dig deeper into the important interfaces come into picture for Spring Security Authentication

Spring Security relies on Servlet API Filters for controlling the flow for authentication. The main interface that is responsible for Authentication is AuthenticationManager. This interface provides single authenticate method. This method validates the credentials from Authentication object passed. Authentication manager generally chose whether it can return the Authentication object with authenticated="true" or it can throw AuthenticationException if the credentials do not match. Authentication manager cannot decide it should return null.

AuthenticationManager has multiple implementations of ProviderManager, the provider manager passes on the Authentication through the chain of AuthenticationProvider. Once any AuthenticationProvider returns the non null value the Authentication is marked as completed. Actual authentication happens in AuthenticationProvider implementation. To hook up custom AuthenticationProvider the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter provides helper method

The authentication filter has knowledge of which AuthenticationManager to use for authentication and during filter initialisation this AuthenticationManager also gets initialised. When we configure the httpSecurity object via WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter by default AuthenticationFilter gets initialised which makes use of AuthenticationManager with Username and Password authentication.

public configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder)

AuthenticationManagerBuilder has authenticationProvider method that is used to set the local authentication provider for specific If you provide the override this will configure the local AuthenticationProvider that is specific to WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implementation. For all usual use cases this would be sufficient. If you want to configure it for global, the we need inject global AuthenticationManagerBuilder and call its authenticationProvider method.

public configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder)

We can provide multiple implementations of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in the single application to configure separate filter matching the specific requestMatchers and antMatcher. In every implementation we can configure seperate authenticationProvider using overriden public configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder).

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